Kindergarten Registration for 2024-2025

Molalla River School District logo and pictures of kids

Kindergarten registration will open Monday, April 1, 2024. 

If you have any questions regarding this process or if you are unable to complete the registration online, please email or call our schools’ secretaries, and we will assist you with enrollment.

 School  Contact (Click to email)  Enrollment Event
Clarkes Elementary Lindsey Bittner  or call 503-632-3290  4/16 at 5:30 p.m.
Molalla Elementary Crystal Robles or call 503-829-4333  4/18 at 5:30 p.m.
Mulino Elementary  Jennifer James or call 503-829-6888   4/12 at 4:30pm
Rural Dell Elementary  Emily Dahl or call 503-651-2128  4/17 at 6:00 p.m.

If you know families in our community with a kindergarten aged student, please help us spread the word by passing along this information.

Why register early? Schools plan for the kindergarten staffing based on enrollment; adjusting staffing in the fall can be disruptive.

This year incoming kindergarten students will be offered a two-week readiness program called 2024 Kindergarten Camp.
This program will teach school routines and provide transportation on a school bus with just kindergarten students. 

How do I register?  Events will be held at each Molalla River Elementary School to complete registration, see the classrooms and school and start a relationship with the school.  Online registration will be available starting April 1 and continue through the start of school.

Links are provided below.

If you know families in our community with a kindergarten aged student, please help us spread the word by passing along this information.

The links below are provided to assist you.

Clackamas Education Service District has information about kindergarten registration at school districts and schools beyond Molalla River's service area.