Immunization Information

Oregon State Immunization Exclusion Day the third Wednesday of each February



Today, most children in the United States lead much healthier lives and parents live with much less anxiety and worry over infections during childhood because of access to vaccines. Immunizations are one of the success stories of modern medicine. Vaccines are an important piece of community health.  Vaccinating those who can receive vaccines provides herd immunity and protects vulnerable populations who cannot be vaccinated.  Vaccines are a requirement for enrollment in school in Oregon.

Vaccine Basics
Immunization Schedule

School Vaccine Requirements 2021-2022
School Vaccine Requirements 2021-2022 Spanish
School Vaccine Requirements 2021-2022 Russian
School Immunization Process

Exceptions to the vaccine requirements for school enrollment  include specific medical exemptions ( i.e. documented  anaphylaxis related to vaccine administration by a medical professional) or a completion of a non-medical exemption per legislative requirements set forth by the  Oregon Health Authority (OHA).

These requirements include:
  • Completion of an online Vaccine Education Module from OHA
  • A Vaccine Education Certificate signed by an Oregon provider ( MD, NP, ND, DO, PA)

Students who are not up to date or who do not have a valid exemption may not be permitted to start school or will be excluded when during Oregon's annual immunization exclusion in February of each year.

For more information pertaining to immunizations in school, please visit the  Oregon Immunization Law page.


Immunization reporting is a legislative requirement for each school district in Oregon. Molalla River School District is required to report the number of student's who are immunized and exempted each year from immunizations in the school district, and we are required to publicly post the information as well.  Immunization and Exemption rates are listed alphabetically by school and county via the Oregon Health Authority. 

MRSD Vaccine Rates

Clackamas County Immunization Information
Oregon Health Authority Vaccines and Immunizations