About Us

Welcome to the Department of Supported Education in the Molalla River School District

We work as a team to offer a continuum of services to lead each child to success through the supports of Special Education and Title IA. Our team members include:  students, parents, classroom teachers, learning specialists, speech pathologists, a school psychologist, an autism specialist, occupational therapists, school principals, school counselors, a school nurse, instructional assistants, and additional support personnel. 

Supported Education Mission Statement

The mission for the Molalla River School District Special  Education Department is to work collaboratively with our general education colleagues in providing a free appropriate public education, which promotes independence, to eligible students in the least restrictive environment.

Special Education Child Find 

There is an ongoing process to locate, identify, and evaluate all children, birth through 21 years, residing within the Molalla River School District boundaries, who are suspected of being eligible for special education services.  

If a parent suspects his or her child may have a disability, that parent has the right to request an evaluation from the building principal where the child would be or is attending school. 

Personally identifiable information will be gathered as part of the identification process.  This information will be maintained to develop a program for students with disabilities.  Parents have a right to inspect and review all educational records related to their child at any time and especially before any meeting related to their child is conducted.  The building principal assumes the responsibility for ensuring confidentiality of any personally identifiable information maintained at his or her building.


Special Education Eligibility  

Special education services are available at each school in the Molalla River School District to serve students who have been identified as eligible for special education services. Students identified as eligible for special education services must meet the following two requirements:

  1. Federal and state eligibility requirements as having a disability in at least one of 11 handicapping condition categories.
  2. Needs specially designed instruction.


The purpose of the federally funded Title I program is to help disadvantaged students meet the same high academic standards expected of all children. The most recent reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This education bill was enacted on January 8,2002 and has established several national mandates as well as a much stronger level of accountability for the progress of all students, especially disadvantaged students. 

Annual Restraint and Seclusion Report 2022