Volunteer and Training Information

Safe Schools Online Child Abuse

As a parent, volunteer, agent or contractor who may require safety training, you will need to register yourself to the system in order to receive your active assignments.

All volunteers over 18 are required to have a background check (every three years) in addition to completing the Child Abuse Prevention  

There are two ways to take the training: 

1 - Use your registration key - f2a95c8d

Go to the VectorSolutions homepage, 
, click “Register” (To the right of the “Sign in” button).  On the next screen you will be prompted to enter the registration key above. Next you will be prompted to enter some basic information, including a username of your choice, which you will use to login to the system moving forward. 

2 - Use the "Quick Link: registration link:


Click on or enter the address above into your internet browser, and you will be taken to the registration page where you will enter your basic information, including your username.

To begin the courses, click on the title then follow the prompts.  To earn a certificate of completion, you must complete all sections of the courses and pass the quiz. You do not have to take SafeSchools courses in one sitting, however you will need to complete each section in entirety to move on to the next.

Once the courses are complete, you can then print off your certificates and submit them  to your school office. All volunteers will need to submit certificate prior to volunteering.


  • Please take the trainings and submit your proof of completion to your school office.
  • Each training needs to be taken annually.
  • The criminal history verification form needs to be completed every 3 years.  (You can check with your building secretary to see if this needs to be renewed)

Below you will find a link to the background check form

Volunteer Background Form

Your participation will help to make Molalla River School District a safer place to work and learn!  If you have any questions, please contact Donna Walsh, 503-829-2359.


Our district is committed in providing parents with information that benefits the health and safety of students and demonstrates our commitment to the wellbeing of all students, staff, visitors and volunteers.